2025 Tuition

The tuition costs listed below do not include the cost of lodging. Please note that registrations for events is no later than 2 weeks before the workshop start date .  For information regarding refunds, please refer to our refund policy.

Purchase orders, credit cards, and e-checks are accepted during the checkout process. Please read our instructions for purchase order payments. Please confirm that POs are being sent to the correct updated address on our website. 

Non-Credit Option

The non-credit in-person tuition is $1,150 per participant .

The non-credit online tuition fee is $975 per participant.

Please note you can find the early bird discount on our registration page. This will end on May 2, 2025. Any questions please email  to apinstitute@docs.rutgers.edu for approval. 


Graduate Credit Option

The cost of Graduate Tuition is in addition to non-credit program fee. 

NJ Residents


Out-of-State Residents